Thursday, September 15, 2011


2010, 160,000 patents (international)

US 28%
Japan 20%
Germany 11%
China 8%
Korea 6%
France 4%
UK 3%
Holland 2.5%
Swiss 2.2%
Sweden 1.9%
Denmark 1.9%
Others 15%

China YoY growth 56%
Korea 20%
Japan 8%
Germany 2%
US -2%

1 comment:

Dennis The Menace said...

If the so called conservative congress is so very concerned about excessive regulation of business than they ought to revamp the entire patent and tradmark system to make it harder for the holders of these patents and trademarke to sue for violations. Everybody pays for the legation one way or another. Many businesses are seriously harmed by having to defend themselves against lawsuits brought by all the holders of these unreasonable patents and trademarks. Consumers are forced to pay much higher prices for the patented and trademarked services and products than would otherwise be the case.