Monday, September 19, 2011

Chinese internet

Online sales US$60bn

360buy sales US$1.6bn in 2010

Taobao to handle US$160bn in transaction in 2012

Taobao share dropped to 75%
Jingdong (360buy) is 4%

De Beers, Botswana, Diamonds

Botswana produces 21% of global diamond output
2/3 of De Beers output

Govt has 15% of De Beers JV in Botswana
Govt wants to have the right to sell 10% of diamond mined in the country
Currently De Beers is selling everything
US$480mn revenue from Diamonds - 2010 for Botswana

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Asia Investment Banking

UBS No.1 net rev US$574m
JPM US$573
DB US$409

UBS mkt shr 5%
UBS owns 20% of defunct Beijing Securities, has licence in China
can underwrite Chinese bonds and equities and trade equities

Investment banks staff churn 16% per yr

Thursday, September 15, 2011


2010, 160,000 patents (international)

US 28%
Japan 20%
Germany 11%
China 8%
Korea 6%
France 4%
UK 3%
Holland 2.5%
Swiss 2.2%
Sweden 1.9%
Denmark 1.9%
Others 15%

China YoY growth 56%
Korea 20%
Japan 8%
Germany 2%
US -2%

Net cash

Closing in on 50% of Jp co. are in net cash position


LNG import to Japan

Malaysia 20%
Australia 19%
Indonesia 18%
Qatar 11%
Russia 9%
Brunei 8%
UAE 7%
Oman 4%

US shale gas - target to import this

Unmarried men

In 2030, there will be 60mn men not being able to get married due to distorted male female ratio in Chin and India

New grad salaries in Sg 2011

Degree S$2700
Masters $3000

From ST


50% of marriages in Western countries end in divorce
50% of all children are born out of wedlock in Western countries

Mean age of marriage - 30 yrs old for women, risen sharply

20-30% of women will not get married in most Asian countries

Reason: women in the work 40 hrs, and do housework for another 30 hrs after marriage
men - only 3 hrs of housework