Monday, July 7, 2008

Water in Singapore

Singapore needs 1.4mn cubic metres of water daily
Will grow to 1.8mn cubic metres in 3-5 yrs

Singaporean uses 157 litres of water per day.
Target to bring to 155, used to be 165 litres per day.

Desalination provides 10% current needs
Recycling NEwater 15% of current needs

Cost of desalination 80c per cubic metre
Cost of normal water 20c per cubic metre
PUB sells water to everyone at 120c per cubic metre


Sechai said...

Increse the capacity is easier than changing people water consumption behaviour.

Jay said...

I guess that is true. That's why I feel that saving the world, turning green may be a lost cause. Until when it really hits us in the face. Then people will wake up.

Sechai said...

By that time it may be too late...

We are advancing towards Newton's 2060 prediction. Doomsday.

Jay said...

I think humans will innovate out of their trouble. We have survived 2 Ice Ages, 2 World Wars, Epidemics, etc. Should be ok lah.